Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Discussion text

Bagi para siswa menengah atas tentu saja sudah umum dengan kata-kata "Discussion Text". ya, teks ini akan dipelajari lebih dalam pada semester lima. Dimana tujuan dari teks tersebut ialah untuk menyajikan alasan dan informasi dari sudut pandang yang berbeda. Berikut contoh discussion teks :

Many middle class people who have a car as their personal vehicles . Many of them objected to the presence of the car but there are also comfortable with the presence of the private car .
Private cars are very useful for users in terms of the facilities of private vehicles .    
The facility makes users comfortable without having to queue up to stations to get public transport passenger density identical with that means there is a lack of facilities , private car also facilitates users with very cool air in the room the car even though the weather outside is hot / rainy , private car can also transport several people participated in it .
            With so many on offer comfort of a private car , there is also a risk that must be accepted that private car users .
 With the number of private car users proficiency level , the risk experienced by other users are not a breakdown of some point on a public road that is increasingly dense private cars . But there are some people who misinterpret the comfort of its facilities by way of spoiling a child under the age of them that are still already be driving his own personal car , with so many accidents that occur due to the extravagance of parents to their children .
although the above mentioned comfort and risks of the use of private cars , until now many people are still using their cars as personal vehicles . I think it's all fair if the user fully understand the function of the private car dar and not abuse it .

Semoga bermanfaat :) 

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