Selasa, 26 Januari 2016


Dilema etik merupakan suatu keadaan dimana dihadapkan pada dua alternative pilihan, yang kelihatannya sama atau hampir sama dan membutuhkan pemecahan masalah. Dilema muncul karena terbentur pada konflik moral, pertentangan batin, atau pertentangan antara nilai-nilai yang diyakini bidan dengan kenyataan yang ada.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

Pulse Measurement

Pulse Procedure

1.Wash hands & put on hand gloves (if necessary)

2.Close the curtain to provide privacy

3.Assist patient to sit in a comfortable & relaxed position

Body Temperature Measurement

Types of Thermometers

Tympanic (aural)
Temporal artery
Mercury thermometer
Oral temperature can be taken by mouth :
Explain the procedure to the client
Wash hands
Wear hand gloves
Place the client in comfortable position
Locate the location under the tongue
Decrease the thermometer between 34 – 35 degree C
Put the T under the tongue parallel with the gum
Wait until 5-10 min
Take the T and read the result
Record / document the result
Clean and wash the T with soapy water and disinfectant. 
  Rinse with water and dry it.
Wash hands after the procedure is done.