Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

Pulse Measurement

Pulse Procedure

1.Wash hands & put on hand gloves (if necessary)

2.Close the curtain to provide privacy

3.Assist patient to sit in a comfortable & relaxed position
in Radial Pulse Area (for adults)

        4. DON’T use your thumb

        5. Place 2 or 3 fingertips (index, middle, and ring finger) over the
    radial pulse area

        6. Press your fingertips on the pulse area lightly

in Brachial Pulse Area (for infants and small children)

        4. For infants and small children.

        5. Place 2 or 3 fingertips (index, middle, and ring finger) over the
    brachial pulse area
6. Press your fingertips on the pulse area lightly

7. Count the rate when pulse is felt regularly

8. Count for 60 sec

9. Count for 30 sec and multiply x2

Shorter time counts = inaccurate data

10. Inform the RN or   MD if pulse is:

Difficult to feel or count

Very fast or very slow

Irregular or skipping

An Apical pulse

11. Wash hands

12. Document the results

Flowsheet, clinic record, or clinic chart

13. Communicate the results to:

RN (Registered Nurse)

MD (Medical Doctor).

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